Name: Sarah Trestle
Age: 16
Hair color: Brown
Role in the Sarahs: Driving
the getaway car
Physical traits: Weak bladder
when nervous or embarrassed
Guy interest: Sal Rodriguez
Doyle Rickerson
Among the four of us, I'm
the least alpha. I'm not headstrong or decisive or anything. As far
as the pecking order, I'm the shortest Sarah. Plus, I struggle with
All of this stress makes me
feel dizzy. But I don't have time to catch my emotional balance. My
Sarah sisters need me.
I want to be more than who
I am, more than just Sarah Trestle. I want to be a part of something
bigger than myself.
Picturing my life without
the Sarahs is like picturing myself without legs. How would my life
- sarah b. - sarah
c. - sarah t.
- reviews - book
of the sarahs home - kristen
tracy's website