kristen tracy

Half Hazard by Kristen Tracy
I Quit by Kristen Tracy illustrated by Federico Fabiani

lost it by kristen tracy
crimes of the sarahs by kristen tracy
Death of a Kleptomaniac by Kristen Tracy
Sharks and Boys by Kristen Tracy
Too Cool for This School by Kristen Tracy
camille mcphee fell under the bus by kristen tracy
The Reinvention of Bessica Lefter by Kristen Tracy
Bessica Lefter Bites Back by Kristen Tracy
Don't Trust the Cat by Kristen Tracy
A Cub Story by Kristen Tracy
A Kit Story by Kristen Tracy
I Am Picky by Kristen Tracy
Cat's Very Good Day by Kristen Tracy illustrated by David Small
I Am Friendly by Kristen Tracy illustrated by Erin Kraan
When Beavers Flew by Kristen Tracy illustrated by Luisa Uribe
The Unofficial Alcatraz Handbook by Kristen Tracy

  Hi! I'm Kristen. Sometimes, I write for teens. Sometimes, I write for kids. I also write poetry and promote bear safety.

  Thanks for dropping by my site!











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